Everything about Movie

A movie is an encapsulation of numerous number of arts which are attached emotionally to every human lives and it is also a magnificent medium which can convey ones ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings and real life incidents in a most effective way to the world.

                                           It is a combination of different forms of arts all together put on a single stage to create magnum opus. A movie can also be defined as numerous number of frames framed together to frame up an emotional journey within us and to make us go through different feelings.

Its journey begins with with a script writer who drafts an unique untold story which becomes the base of creation of an unreal world, which we generally see on screen.

                    Then a director comes into picture and takes the story on sets to show a journey of life of an existing or non existing unlike characters within a duration of three hours and he also unfolds this unique untold story into many memorable moments of real life in a way which makes the audience sit on the edge of our seat throughout the movie.

lyric writer who brings the life into the words by inculcating all his poetic skills into the lyrics, and these lyrics get life from the voice of a singer who puts all his life into the song while singing it.

                                        Now, a music director gives a new life filled with greater immense feelings to both words and lyrics by adding his mesmerizing music to them and he also elates the movie scenes with his background music.

dialogue writer who creates a war of words to take the emotion carried on screen to an ecstatic level.

                                    The whole art department puts its all efforts to craft all the props and costumes in an unusual creative way to gain the attention of audience.

Animation, special effects and visual effects departments instills their entire pre-installed skills in them to make scenes of the movie breathtaking and astonishing.

costume designer designs the costumes to make the cast more gorgeous and make up artists does make up to make the cast more magnificent.

                                            A screenplay writer decides  the sequence of the story that should be conveyed to audience, so that they feel it most exciting and most surprisingly spectacular to know the story in that way.

A cinematographer is the one who exceptionally encapsulates everything in a single frame where an editor is the one who beautifully encapsulates all the frames into a single movie.

Finally, let us know about the initial and crucial person of a movie who is well known as producer . He becomes a very crucial person of a movie by arranging the capital required for the entire movie and he can also be known as fundamental and most vital source for a movie. 


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